The Media in the life of society
The Media in the life of society.
Mass media play an important role in our everyday life. In fact it is an essential part of the modern society. Press, radio and TV keep people informed on the latest and most sensational events.
Millions of copies of newspapers are printed in our country every day. All the most important qestions of social, economic, scientific and cultural life, moral and ecological problems are traditionally published in the press and discussed on TV. Opinions clash, officials and political parties are subjected to criticism whatever their position may be.
The mass media is doing much to raise an interest in every aspect of the country’s life.
Newspapers, magazines and TV programs for youth reflect the young people’s hopes and wishes, their leisure and education, their attitudes and opinions. Of course such programs, magazines and newspapers mostly deal with the leisure for youth, especially music and cinema. But TV programs like
I hope some.
Way will be found to solve this problem. For example in Great Britain there are two organizations providing TV and radio services. The BBC is state-funded and there is absolutely no advertising in BBC programs, but in the programs of the independent Television the advertising is also restricted.
Nowadays in Russia there are many national daily and weekly newspapers. There are also local newspapers in all parts of Russia and one can find newspapers and magazines for sport fans, music fans and so on. Our family subscribes to Segodnya and Smena because they are informative, interesting and objective. My father is interested in sports, so he sometimes bus “Sports-express” at the newsstand.
I’m not very interested in politics and economics, so I sometimes buy newspapers and magazines about music and cinema.
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The media in the life of society
The mass media plays an important role in our everyday life. In fact it is an essential part of modern society. Press, radio and TV keep people informed on the latest and most sensational events.
Millions of copies of newspapers are printed in our country every day. All the most important questions of social, economic, scientific and cultural life, moral and ecological problems are published in the press and discussed on TV. Opinions clash, officials and political parties are subjected to criticism whatever their position may by. The mass media is constantly trying to stimulate interest in every aspect of life of the country.
Newspapers, magazines and TV programmes for youth reflect the young people’s hopes and wishes, their leisure and education, their attitudes and opinions. Of course such programmes, magazines and newspapers mostly deal with leisure, especially music and the cinema. But TV programmes like «Up to 16 and beyond» and newspapers like el am young» also offer young people advice of a college or a job and help them to choose the right course in solving their problems.
Not only young people, but all categories of readers often write to their favorite programmes or publications, offering their opinions or asking for advice. In this way constant contact between the media and the public exists and develops.
Another kind of link between the public and the media which appeared recently is advertising. The mass media helps us with information about new goods and services. But some people are tired of advertisements and don’t like to see their favorite films or programmes interrupted by them. I hope some way will be found to solve this problem. For example, in Great Britain, there are two organizations providing TV and radio services. The BBC is state-funded and there is absolutely no advertising in BBC programmes, and in the programmes of the Independent Television, the advertising is also restricted.
In Russia nowadays, there are many national daily and weekly newspapers. There are also local newspapers in all parts of Russia, and one can find newspapers and magazines for sports fans, music fans and so on. Our family subscribes to Izuestiya (Trud, Sevodnia etc.) and Vecherny Peterburg (Smena etc.) because they are informative, interesting and objective. My father is interested in sport, so he sometimes buys «Sport-express» at the newsstands. I’m not very interested in politics and economics, so I sometimes buy newspapers and magazines about music and the cinema.
1. What kinds of mass media do you know?
2. What was the earliest kind of mass media?
3. Why is the television so exciting?
4. What is the reason for widespread use of radios?
5. What is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?
6. How do we get information that we need?
7. What information can we find in newspapers?
8. What kind of programs do Discovery channels broadcast?
9. Why can one be lost in the information ocean of television?
10.What is the main value of radio broadcasts?
– Can either of you tell me who the most popular authors are today? Perhaps you can,
– You see so many people in the train to and from London.
– Yes, I do, and they seem to read newspapers mostly but if it’s a novel it’s certainly a paperback and usually a detective story or a spy thriller. I myself prefer something with more meat in it, a travel book or a biography.
– I think novels are for men. They have much more time on their hands, and they can’t do without romance.
– I couldn’t agree with you more. Most of the men I see on the train who are not reading newspapers are poring over the books about politics, history, or do-it-yourself manuals showing them how to make their wives a comer cupboard out of an old box or build a model railway for their sons. This sort of things gives them a purpose in life, which novel-reading certainly doesn’t. If they want light entertainments they’ve always get TV.
Translate into English:
1. Пресса, радио и телевидение держат людей в курсе последних и самых сенсационных событий.
2. Средства массовой информации делают многое, чтобы поднять интерес ко всем аспектам жизни страны.
3. Не только молодежь, но все категории читателей пишут письма в свои любимые издания ипрограммы, сообщая свое мнение или прося совета.
4. В Великобритании есть две организации, обеспечивающие теле- и радиовещание.
5. Би-Би-Си содержится на государственные средства, и реклама в программах Би-Би-Си полностью отсутствует.
6. Сейчас в России есть много ежедневных и еженедельных общенациональных газет.
7. Во всех частях России издаются также местные газеты, можно найти и газеты и журналы для любителей спорта, музыки и т.д.
8. Мой отец интересуется спортом, так что он иногда покупает «Спорт-Экспресс» в газетных киосках.
9. Я не очень интересуюсь политикой и экономикой, так что я иногда покупаю газеты и журналы о музыке и кино.
10. СМИ играют важную роль в нашей ежедневной жизни.
Резюме играет огромную роль. Существует бюро, специализирующиеся на составлении резюме. Хорошо составленное резюме должно давать полное представление о вашем трудовом опыте, образовании и других деловых качествах, чтобы потенциальный работодатель мог судить о вашей квалификации. От четкости и информативности резюме во многом зависят ваши шансы быть принятым на работу. Имея перед собой хороший образец, вы вполне можете составить резюме самостоятельно.
Резюме состоит из следующих частей:
1. Имя, фамилия, адрес и телефон
2. Должность, которую вы хотите получить
3. Трудовой опыт (начните с последней работы и перечисляйте в обратном порядке).
4. Образование (начните перечень с указания последнего учебного заведения, которое вы окончили, и в обратном порядке).
5. Личные данные
В ряде случаев полезно привести краткое описание опыта и достижений.
Даты начала и окончания работы в том или ином учреждении или годы учебы в институтах или университетах могут быть указаны либо слева перед соответствующим названием, либо после него.
376 West 186th Street, Apartment, 6-3
New York, N.Y. 10033
Tel. (212) 973-6792
OBJECTIVE A position as a mechanical engineer
SUMMARY 15 years varied experience in mechanical engineering.
Designed and developed both automatic and special machines. Installed machinery and equipment. Familiar with use of industrial engineering techniques and machine shop practices.
1986-1988 Paterson, N.J.
Design Engineer. Planed and designed both automatic and special machines, instrumental system, and pneumatics.
Design Engineer at the Automation Department
Designed various automatic machines.
Installed machinery and equipment
1969-1974 Kharkov, USSR
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering.
PERSONAL Arrived in the United States August 1989.
Permanent US resident.
Married, two children.
REFERENNCES Furnished upon request
Общие условия выбора системы дренажа: Система дренажа выбирается в зависимости от характера защищаемого.
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Поперечные профили набережных и береговой полосы: На городских территориях берегоукрепление проектируют с учетом технических и экономических требований, но особое значение придают эстетическим.
Опора деревянной одностоечной и способы укрепление угловых опор: Опоры ВЛ – конструкции, предназначенные для поддерживания проводов на необходимой высоте над землей, водой.
Топик: Роль СМИ в современном мире (The mass media in the life of Society)
The mass media in the life of Society.
Modern life is hardly possible without information. Of course friends & relatives keep us informed about what is happening in the world, but such information is second-hand, & therefore is not at all reliable. It is the mass media that provide us with first hand & reliable information.
The mass media plays an important role in our life. Millions of copies of newspapers are printed in our country every day. The role of the press can hardly be overestimated, particularly at present. It keeps you informed in the latest news, different events, home and foreign affairs, news of culture, science and engineering development. But publishing news is not the only purpose of the press. There are many other purposes, which can be achieved by the press. It enriches our knowledge and broadens our outlook. The press shapes public opinion, influences governmental policy, gives citizens a view of our country and foreign countries as well. It performs a few functions: informative, entertaining, commercial & is addressed to people of different political views & different stations in life. What is printed & what is not, largely depends on the publishers’ concert of news. There is a well-known joke circulating among the publishers, which exactly defines their idea of news: “If a dog bites a man, that’s not news, but if a man bites a dog, that is news”. In other words, news must be something unusual, unexpected, and sensational. But with many papers & magazines there exits a funny tradition to mystify their regular readers with sensational & incredible stories, published on their pages.
Everyone knows that we get a great amount of information by mass media, especially TV. TV now plays an important part in many people’s life. It is an immensely powerful medium, as it uses the most important from of communication, the visual image, it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is a blessing or a curse. It demands complete & silent attention. It is death to conversation & normal two-way contact between individuals. It makes passive non-participating spectators of us all. We begin to forget how to occupy our spare time. Now all our free time is given to television. Obviously TV has both advantages & disadvantages. But to the former outweigh the latter. Really if there is a TV set in your home all you’ve got to do is to turn a knob, or to turn over to another channel or to turn the sound up & down, &you see plays, films, operas & shows of every kind, not to mention political discussions & the latest exciting football matches. TV, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science & politics &offers an endless series of programmes, which are both instructive & stimulating. The most distant countries & the strangest customs are brought right into our sitting room. You can hardly find a corner where one cannot receive radio or TV broadcasts. Hundreds of stations speaking in every language of the world fill the air. Radio & TV-n are undoubtedly, the quickest means of spreading news & information. What a great amount of information we get! We watch TV to be well informed. It gives wonderful possibilities for education. There are considerable variety of programmers & we can select what we want to see: a film or a play, sport programmes, the latest news and so on. We find it pleasant to sit in our armchairs and glue to our sets & little by little people get accustomed to this mode of life & are cut off from the real world.
Another kind of link between the public & the media is advertising. The mass media helps us with information about new goods & services. But some people are tired of advertisements & don’t like to see their favourite films or programmes interrupted by them. I hope some way will be found to solve this problem. For example, there are 2 organizations providing TV & radio services in Great Britain. The BBC is state-funded & there is ABC on lately no advertising in BBC programmes, & in the programmes of the Independent Television, the advertising is also restricted.
As for me & my family, we like the programme “My family”, I think it is a very useful one, because it gives us many examples how to live, how to act in different situations. I watch this programme with admiration.
So to my opinion, I’ll be quick right to say that the volume of information in the modern world is tremendous, that is why we should decide for our selves what is really necessary & what may some day appear to be useless.
The mass media in the life of Society.
The mass media in the life of Society.
Modern life is hardly possible without information. Of course friends & relatives keep us informed about what is happening in the world, but such information is second-hand, & therefore is not at all reliable. It is the mass media that provide us with first hand & reliable information.
The mass media plays an important role in our life. Millions of copies of newspapers are printed in our country every day. The role of the press can hardly be overestimated, particularly at present. It keeps you informed in the latest news, different events, home and foreign affairs, news of culture, science and engineering development. But publishing news is not the only purpose of the press. There are many other purposes, which can be achieved by the press. It enriches our knowledge and broadens our outlook. The press shapes public opinion, influences governmental policy, gives citizens a view of our country and foreign countries as well. It performs a few functions: informative, entertaining, commercial & is addressed to people of different political views & different stations in life. What is printed & what is not, largely depends on the publishers’ concert of news. There is a well-known joke circulating among the publishers, which exactly defines their idea of news: “If a dog bites a man, that’s not news, but if a man bites a dog, that is news”. In other words, news must be something unusual, unexpected, and sensational. But with many papers & magazines there exits a funny tradition to mystify their regular readers with sensational & incredible stories, published on their pages.
Everyone knows that we get a great amount of information by mass media, especially TV. TV now plays an important part in many people’s life. It is an immensely powerful medium, as it uses the most important from of communication, the visual image, it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is a blessing or a curse. It demands complete & silent attention. It is death to conversation & normal two-way contact between individuals. It makes passive non-participating spectators of us all. We begin to forget how to occupy our spare time. Now all our free time is given to television. Obviously TV has both advantages & disadvantages. But to the former outweigh the latter. Really if there is a TV set in your home all you’ve got to do is to turn a knob, or to turn over to another channel or to turn the sound up & down, &you see plays, films, operas & shows of every kind, not to mention political discussions & the latest exciting football matches. TV, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science & politics &offers an endless series of programmes, which are both instructive & stimulating. The most distant countries & the strangest customs are brought right into our sitting room. You can hardly find a corner where one cannot receive radio or TV broadcasts. Hundreds of stations speaking in every language of the world fill the air. Radio & TV-n are undoubtedly, the quickest means of spreading news & information. What a great amount of information we get! We watch TV to be well informed. It gives wonderful possibilities for education. There are considerable variety of programmers & we can select what we want to see: a film or a play, sport programmes, the latest news and so on. We find it pleasant to sit in our armchairs and glue to our sets & little by little people get accustomed to this mode of life & are cut off from the real world.
Another kind of link between the public & the media is advertising. The mass media helps us with information about new goods & services. But some people are tired of advertisements & don’t like to see their favourite films or programmes interrupted by them. I hope some way will be found to solve this problem. For example, there are 2 organizations providing TV & radio services in Great Britain. The BBC is state-funded & there is ABC on lately no advertising in BBC programmes, & in the programmes of the Independent Television, the advertising is also restricted.
As for me & my family, we like the programme “My family”, I think it is a very useful one, because it gives us many examples how to live, how to act in different situations. I watch this programme with admiration.
So to my opinion, I’ll be quick right to say that the volume of information in the modern world is tremendous, that is why we should decide for our selves what is really necessary & what may some day appear to be useless.
About Mass Media
Modern world is full of information of various kinds which sometimes is even more valuable than money. (Современный мир полон информации различных видов, которая иногда даже более ценна, чем деньги.)
Mass media (the press, radio, television and Internet) have a very big impact on modern society. (Масс медиа (пресса, радио, телевидение и интернет) имеют очень большое влияние на современное общество.)
They serve to inform people of different events, educate, entertain and give us any kinds of information. (Они служат, чтобы информировать людей о различных событиях, образовывают, развлекают и дают нам всякие виды информации)
Complete and accurate information is very important to get nowadays. (Полная и точная информация очень важна в наши дни.)
The press still remains one of the most powerful kinds of mass media. (Пресса все еще остается одним из самых влиятельных видов масс медиа)
One can find daily, weekly and monthly newspapers and magazines on different topics such as fashion, sport, children, politics, economy and others. (Человек может найти ежедневные, еженедельные и ежемесячные газеты и журналы на разные темы, такие как мода, спорт, дети, политика, экономика и др.)
I prefer getting news from the Internet. My future profession will deal wiht fashion so I often buy monthly fashion magazines like Vogue or Cosmopolitan or read they in the Internet. (Я предпочитаю получать новости из интернета. Моя будущая профессия будет иметь дело с модой, поэтому я часто покупаю ежемесячные журналы типа … или читаю их в интернете.)
Television plays a big role in our society too and a lot of people prefer watching television to reading a newspaper. (Телевидение тоже играет большую роль в нашем обществе, и многие люди предпочитают смотрение телевизора чтению газет.)
Television provides a great opportunity for people to learn latest news, watch educational programmes, children’s programmes, old and new films and soap operas on TV. (Телевидение дает огромную возможность людям узнавать самые последние новости, смотреть образовательные программы, детские, старые и новые фильмы и мыльные оперы на ТВ.)
As for me, I usually watch documentaries and game shows on television. (Как по мне, я обычно смотрю документальные фильмы и игровые шоу по телевизору.)
My mother prefers sitcoms and sports programmes; my father watches educational prgrammes and political talk shows. (Моя мама предпочитает ситкомы и спортивные программы; папа смотрит образовательные программы и политические ток-шоу.)
I think that it is impossible to live without television, even though the Internet, I am sure, will replace it one day in future. (Я думаю, что невозможно жить без телевидения, хотя интернет, я уверена, заменит его однажды в будущем.)
Radio is less popular than newspapers and television, but still people listen to it in cars or at work. (Радио менее популярно, чем газеты и телевидение, но люди все еще слушают его в машинах или на работе.)
I usually listen to online radio stations while I am doing my homework or jogging. (Я обычно слушаю он-лайн радиостанции во время домашней работы или пробежки.)
There are different types of radio stations and one can find any radio station to their liking. (Есть разные типы радиостанций, и человек может найти любую радиостанцию по своему вкусу.)
The Internet is the newest kind of mass media, but which has become the most popular and greatest source of information and entertainment. (Интернет самый новый тип масс медиа, но который стал самым популярным и большим источником информации и развлечений.)
If you have the internet access, you may read newspapers online, watch films, listen to music, listen to the radio and even watch television online! (Если вы имеете интернет доступ, вы можете просмотреть газеты , смотреть фильмы, слушать музыку, радио и даже смотреть телевидение .)
I use the Internet every day for various purposes: I chat with friends all over the world, read news and find necessary information for my studies. (Я пользуюсь интернетом каждый день для разных целей: я общаюсь с друзьями по всему миру, читаю новости и нахожу необходимую для своей учебы информацию.)
E-mail has become the great way of communication. One can send a letter to their friends or a business letter and it will be delivered in a few seconds. (E-mail стал важным способом коммуникации. Человек может отправить письмо своим друзьям или деловое письмо, и оно будет доставлено через несколько секунд.)
I also like social media sites, like Facebook or Vkontakte. I have my profiles there and they help me stay in touch with all my friends both from Russia and other countries. (Мне также нравятся социальные сайты, … Я имею свой профиль там, и они помогают мне оставаться близкой со всеми моими друзьями из России и из других стран.)
Many people use the Internet programmes for communication such as Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and other.
Surely, there are advantages and disadvantages of mass media. Some of the advantages are education and entertainment. However, one needs to have special equipment and enough money to use different types of mass media. (Конечно, есть польза и недостатки масс медиа. Некоторая польза это образование и развлечение. Однако, человеку нужно иметь специальное оборудование и достаточно денег, чтобы использовать разные типы масс медиа.)
Another disadvantage is that sometimes the Internet is unreliable and may even be harmful to people. (Еще один недостаток, что иногда интернет информация ненадежна и может быть даже вредна людям.)
In spite of all disadvantages, people still read newspapers, watch TV, listen to the radio and browse the Net. (Несмотря на все недостатки люди все еще читают газеты, смотрят ТВ, слушают радио и находятся в сети.)
Mass Media (топик)
There are different ways of getting information — mass media, books, travelling, visiting museums, meeting people. Which do you prefer?
To live in the modern world is impossible without expanding your knowledge in all spheres. There are several ways of communicating the world to individuals — mass media, books, travelling, museums, meeting eminent people. Of all the existing ways, there are two which are the easiest ones, that is mass media and travelling. One more reason why I prefer them is that they provide the fullest and the most reliable information in the fields you are interested in. (For travelling, see ‘Travelling’.)
Mass media play an important role in our life. How and why do they shape public opinion ?
Mass media play an important role in our life. They are usually defined by encyclopedias as any of the means of communication, such as radio, television, newspapers, magazines, etc. that reach and influence a very large audience, at least as large as the whole population of a nation. The term was coined in 1920s with emerging of nationwide radio networks and of mass-circulation newspapers and magazines. I believe mass media are so influential because they can be used for various purposes: popularisation, for business or social concerns (advertising, marketing, public relations, and political communication), education, entertainment, video and computer games, journalism, public service announcements. Media include radio and television, films, various types of discs or tapes used for music and computer, Internet, publishing on paper (books, magazines, and newspapers).
Mass media play a crucial role in forming public opinion. They do it in a number of ways: first, they communicate the world to individuals. Much of the news media is made up of newsgathering by large organizations. Just four main news agencies — AP, UPI, Reuters and Agence France Presse — claim together to provide 90 % of the total news output of the world’s press, radio and television. Second, they reproduce modern society’s self-image by forcing attention to certain issues. They build up public images of political figures. They are constantly presenting objects suggesting what individuals in the mass should think about, know about, have feelings about. Because some of the media produce material which often is good, impartial, and serious, they have respect and authority. If we look into the reasons why the mass media shape public opinion, we will see, first of all, that in practice the ethics of the press and television provides a vital support for the existing order. Second, many of the mass media in practice cater for the tastes of some social group. Shaping the public opinion inside this group, they create the audience which supports them financially by buying the newspaper or watching the TV channel.
But how much do the media influence the modern society? Early critiques suggested that the media destroys the individual’s capacity to act autonomously. Later studies, however, suggest a more complex interaction between the media and society. People actively interprete and evaluate the media and the information it provides.
Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Средства массовой информации — это средства коммуникации, такие как радио, телевидение, газеты, журналы, которые создают очень большую аудиторию.
2. Средства массовой информации так влиятельны, поскольку используются для популяризации в интересах бизнеса или общества, для образования, развлечения, объявлений и т. д.
3. Средства массовой информации играют ведущую роль в формировании общественного мнения, так как они, во-первых, доносят до людей информацию о мире, во-вторых, воспроизводят созданный современным обществом его собственный имидж, в-третьих, они потворствуют вкусам определенной социальной группы.
4. Четыре основные агентства новостей предоставляют 90 % общего объема новостей прессы, радио и телевидения в мире.
5. Средства массовой информации привлекают внимание к определенным вопросам, создают имидж политических деятелей и представляют различные объекты, одновременно предлагая, что люди должны думать о них.
6. Поскольку определенная часть информации, которую они представляют, является объективной и серьезной, они пользуются уважением и авторитетом.
7. Они создают аудиторию, которая поддерживает их в финансовом отношении.
1. Mass media are means of communication, such as radio, television, newspapers, magazines, which create a very large audience.
2. Mass media are so influential as they are used for popularisation for business and social concerns, education, entertainment, advertisements, and so on.
3. Mass media play a crucial role in forming public opinion, because, first, they communicate the world to individuals, second, they reproduce the modern society’s self-image, third, they cater for the tastes of some social group.
4. The four main news agencies provide 90 % of the total news output of the world’s press, radio and television.
5. Mass media constantly force attention to certain issues, build up images of political figures and present various objects suggesting what people should think about them.
6. As some amount of the information they present is impartial and serious, they have respect and authority.
7. They create the audience which supports them financially.
Из пособия “ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы” Занина Е.Л. (2010, 272с.) – Part one. English examination topics. Forms 9/11.
The Media in the life of society.: сочинениеСсылка на основную публикацию
Название: Роль СМИ в современном мире (The mass media in the life of Society) Раздел: Топики по английскому языку Тип: топик Добавлен 20:46:00 07 августа 2005 Похожие работы Просмотров: 6925 Комментариев: 17 Оценило: 12 человек Средний балл: 4.4 Оценка: 4 просмотреть |